Sunday, July 18

I've been crushed!

Sometimes, it's just best to let things go and to just continue with life. I mean, not everything are meant to be ours. One way or another, everyone will lose somethings. For these reasons, it's best that we forget and move on. There's not one person in life that would actually cling on to things that they knew could never be their's for certain reasons. Am not saying that I have issues with life after living in this world for 16years, but I do want to know the reason behind it. When one loses somethings, what their good at is just whining and gaining sympathy for their losses. But eventually, that's not helping either. Maybe its time for everyone to start making the right decisions so that regretting it would be less painful.:))

" I wanted so much for the relationship to work out, but it never did. Did i make the wrong decisions, I don't think so. I thought it as the perfect opportunity to start anew, I guess I was wrong. Loving you can be painful at times, but I never complained nor did I regret. I tried my best to be a good GF for you, I guess, I just didn't try hard enough. What I'm tryna say is that, ILOVEYOU and will always will. Loving you may hurt big time, but losing you is worst than that. I hope you make the right decisions next time, and never repeat your mistakes. You make a good BF, I know you do. Ps: I STILL LOVE YOU:)"

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