Monday, June 28


Today's the first day of school. Phew! Tired or what. Hmms. So, there wasn't really much to do; except that there was temperature taking. Boomer sia! It's as if our country is diagnosed with some disease. W.T.H?!! Hmms, so now.. I've just finished squeezing my brain juice out while doing MATHS. Am i a loser? I don think so. Basically, it's just "Work Hard till O'Levels are here". I seriously can't wait for that to come and pass. Cause seriously!! I can't wait for prom night! :)) YIIPEEA! Thinking of it makes me smile to myself:) I'm not crazy, just excited:)So yargh. Was excited just now to meet my peeps back in school. And damm! I seriously need a hair makeover!!:( Anyone care to help me out for free? Hahah. Joking:) Oh yah! tomorrow there's FOOD AND NUTRITION! aaarrgh! I'm seriously gona faint. Apart from that, there's IRP tmorrow. SHIT! That'll mean.. School ends at approximately 4pm! Dang it! :( There's lots of HOMEWORKS to be done. I'll probably grow white hair by the end of the year.

Okay, so school's outta my mind. Now.. I DIDN'T CHAT WITH BABY TODAY:(( *frowns* imissyou bhiee! Heehe. You see, not talking to baby means like as if i don't know MYSELF. haha! JOKING! It's just that BABY makes me laugh with all his lame jokes. That's why.. Waiting patiently for 5july:) ECLIPSE'S COMING OUT. And there's the new HOT dude that's acting!:) I like! heeh! But ofcourse i only have eyes on you bhiee:) (If you happen to read this; Go out with me kay bhie? We go on double date:)) hee!

Okay2, i have to squeeze my brain juice once more. I need to do ALL my homeworks now. Will update agaen:)

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