Wednesday, June 30

I'm loving it!

Ever heard of the saying "Men comes from Mars, Women comes from Venus"? Heh.. It's stupid; at first. But, ever heard that once your in it, you'll come to UNDERSTAND things. Guess, what I'm trying to say is that isn't it ironic when a relationship that WAS ever so PERFECT comes to an end in a blink of an eye? Funny how each individual reacts to the drastic change. How the girl will start accusing the guy of not being perfect enough and vice versa. Ironic isn't it. But well, I guess that's the reason why the phrase was created in the first place:) It's funny that after knowing each other through the relationship, all the fond memories are forgotten ever so fast that all that's left are just hatred. Never did they try to pay more ATTENTION to each other's needs to work out the situation. Heh. Yes, I'm referring to YOU. Though it doesn't EXACTLY depicts the kind of relationship we're having currently, but somehow it's the same. Forget it! I'm SPEECHLESS!

Dang! I think my emotional issues are acting up again. W.T.H?!! However, apart from that, I think I might just put on a little weight. After all, there's been a frequent FASTFOOD visit after school:( I really think that fastfood outlets should CLOSE down on WEEKDAYS and re-open on WEEKENDS:)) Wouldn't that be GOOD news? But than again, who am I kidding. Oh yes! I just receive a belated birthday present just now. Its a necklace:) *SMILES* Yeay for me:) Pictures below:

Hees! Apologies for the blur images:) *The engravement on the neklace reads "liyana". But! The neklace is super NICE and HOT luh!:) Appreciate the gift FAAZ:) Though, it wasn't the best present, but it's the thoughts that counts. Thanks BOY-FRIEND for actually going to QUEENSWAY to actually just get me the neklace. DANG! I'm watching ECLIPSE this FRIDAY:)! Anyone jealous? Hahah. AWESOME right? I can't wait:)
*The reason I'm not blogging about YOU is cause, I don't see the need to..

P.S: I truly like the neklace, don worry:)

Monday, June 28


Today's the first day of school. Phew! Tired or what. Hmms. So, there wasn't really much to do; except that there was temperature taking. Boomer sia! It's as if our country is diagnosed with some disease. W.T.H?!! Hmms, so now.. I've just finished squeezing my brain juice out while doing MATHS. Am i a loser? I don think so. Basically, it's just "Work Hard till O'Levels are here". I seriously can't wait for that to come and pass. Cause seriously!! I can't wait for prom night! :)) YIIPEEA! Thinking of it makes me smile to myself:) I'm not crazy, just excited:)So yargh. Was excited just now to meet my peeps back in school. And damm! I seriously need a hair makeover!!:( Anyone care to help me out for free? Hahah. Joking:) Oh yah! tomorrow there's FOOD AND NUTRITION! aaarrgh! I'm seriously gona faint. Apart from that, there's IRP tmorrow. SHIT! That'll mean.. School ends at approximately 4pm! Dang it! :( There's lots of HOMEWORKS to be done. I'll probably grow white hair by the end of the year.

Okay, so school's outta my mind. Now.. I DIDN'T CHAT WITH BABY TODAY:(( *frowns* imissyou bhiee! Heehe. You see, not talking to baby means like as if i don't know MYSELF. haha! JOKING! It's just that BABY makes me laugh with all his lame jokes. That's why.. Waiting patiently for 5july:) ECLIPSE'S COMING OUT. And there's the new HOT dude that's acting!:) I like! heeh! But ofcourse i only have eyes on you bhiee:) (If you happen to read this; Go out with me kay bhie? We go on double date:)) hee!

Okay2, i have to squeeze my brain juice once more. I need to do ALL my homeworks now. Will update agaen:)

Sunday, June 27


DAMMIT! Tomorrow's like the first day of school. But i haven't had enough of holidays. Boomer sia! Hmms.. I know I did blog earlier on, but hey! I'm bord! Gyeah. So currently, soccer's playing on the teevee. And ugh, germany's winning:)) Seriously, I never understand this game. Haha. But, boys just love playing them. I just go along, supporting which ever team is winning:) Smart? I know. haha. So, I don't really have much to say but, urmm.. Just passing time. Hahah. OH yargh! I may not update much now that school's re-open. But I'll try to. What's more, I have BABY to count on:)) And.. BABY, if u happen to read this post sometime later, I wana say that I'm sorry I may not text u frequently since I'll be busy. So yarghh. I know u'll understand:) U're like the worlds most UNDERSTANDING guy! hahah.. And bhiee! You know I care about you:)) Okay so now, I'm going to bed. tomorow gotta be a long day. yuep! :)) Ps: iloveyou:)) 'No skies the limit when it comes to you and me'

Saturday, June 26

Excited and Satisfied!

Yeay! I've finally created a new blog :) It's plain, yess. But it's AWESOME:) So, school's re-opening like TOMORROW! arrgh! How I wished holidays are longer. I didn't even get to enjoy MY holidays. There was no ONE time where I had some quality time spent on myself. Why is it even called HOLIDAYS when students still have to attend school anyway? Ironic isn't it. Okay, enough with the dwelling. I've yet to finish up my revision:( SADD.. Oh, yar! Something sweet happened yesterday. I was texting BABY:) and I was demanding a good night message from him. Been long since I receive any good night message. I had PURPOSELY asked for a long one:) At first, he said he was not in the mode to send me one cause his feeling sleepy :( Like W.T.H?! But eventually he did:) yeay! Thanks sweetheart. The conversation goes something like this:

ME: B, I wan good night message. Longlong.
HE: Good night message?? NOO!! Next time I give. My head is like in sleep mode now. (there's more, but I'm just lazy to list it down)
ME: ZZZZZ! (Apparently, I didn't reply)
HE: B!:) you wan good night message ehhk? Its been long since since I did it. The last time was about 300 YEARS AGO! (cut off some parts) Hey swity, i wana tell you that on 270610.. I wana tell u that u have the MOST AMAZING CHEEKS!...(Cut off some parts)
ME: -.-

It's really very long. Haha! The conversation here has been edited. If I were to list it all down, it'll take ages! hehe. But baby's SWEET right? I know! iloveyou baby, you know I do:) Okay, I'm gona start revision now. I'll update soon!:)